Saturday, August 31, 2019

Blauner Hypothesis Essay

Disucussion on the Noel and Blauner Hypotheses When two distinct groups first come into contact with each other, the conditions of that meeting can determine the fate and mold the relations of the two groups for generations. This is called the â€Å"Contact Situation.† Donald Noel and Robert Blauner have analyzed this initial contact and developed hypotheses that aid in the understanding of this phase of the inter-group relations. Donald Noel and Robert Blauner The Noel hypothesis recognizes that there are three segments to the contact situation, that when working together, lead to some sort of inequality between the groups. The hypothesis states: If two or more groups come together in a contact situation characterized by ethnocentrism, competition and a difference in power, then some form of racial or ethnic stratification will result (Noel, 1968, p. 163). In other words, if the contact situation contains all three of the situations, ethnocentrism, competition, and a difference in power, then some sort of dominant-minority social structure will be created. Ethnocentrism is defined as the tendency to judge other groups, societies or lifestyles by the standard of one’s own culture (Healy, 1999, p. 175). At some level, ethnocentrism is a necessary part of human culture. Without it, people would tend to not obey laws, social norms or work with others in every day life. Ethnocentrism can also create a negative effect. At the extreme end of it, it can create the view that other cultures are not only different, but are also inferior. When ethnocentrism exists at any level, most people follow group lines and tend to differentiate between â€Å"us† and â€Å"them† (Healy, 1999, p. 175) Competition is a struggle over a scarce commodity (Healy, 1999, p 175), and usually leads to prejudice and discrimination. In contact situations, the dominant group is the one that come out on top of the competition. Competition can be over anything that is desired by either group, or what one group has that other wants. The dominant group serves its own interests by ending the competition and exploiting, controlling, eliminating or dominating the minority group (Healy, 1999 p.176). Differential in power is the third component in a contact situation. There are three things that can determine the differential of power: the size of the group, the organizational skills, and group leadership skills, and the controlling of resources. A larger, better organized group with more resources will generally be able to impose its will on the minority group (Healy,1999, p.176). The Blauner hypothesis, analyzed in his book Racial Oppression in America (1972), identifies two other types of contact situations, colonization and immigration. Blauner’s hypothesis states â€Å"minority groups created by colonization will experience more intense prejudice, racism, and discrimination than those created by immigration. Furthermore, the disadvantaged status of colonized groups will persist longer and be more difficult to overcome than the disadvantaged status faced by groups created by immigration† (Blauner, 1972). Colonized minority groups such as African Americans are usually forced into minority status. The status is forced upon them by the military and political powers wielded by the majority group. One example is the slave status. Colonized minorities have virtually no chance for assimilation and are typically identified by highly visible physical characteristics. Most immigrant minority groups have some semblance of control over where they are immigrating to. For this reason, they usually keep enough of their culture and resources to help them achieve that which they strive for. While immigrants will face problems trying to assimilate, they usually have a better chance than those that have been colonized. Works Cited â€Å"Bob Blauner.† Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, Licinio, J., and Ma-Li Wong. Biology of Depression: from Novel Insights to Therapeutic Strategies. Weinheim, Wiley-VCH, 2005.

Friday, August 30, 2019

ENG 225 quiz 4 ashford university Essay

1. Question : Which female auteur is best known for staking out traditionally male territory in her films Sophia Coppola CORRECT Kathryn Bigelow Nora Ephron 2. Question : Which quality most distinguishes the musical as a genre in its own right? Student Answer: CORRECT Its songs are part of the action Its songs accompany the action It contains only songs and no score Its dialogue is primarily sung 3. Question : According to John Truby, why are genre films generally favored by American studios? They are less expensive to make CORRECT They provide more reliable profits They are risky investments, but can yield big profits 4. Question : Which of the following is true of horror films in recent decades? They are becoming less realistic They are becoming more expensive CORRECT They are becoming more violent 5. Question : Which critic is best known for opposing the auteur theory? Roger Ebert Francois Truffaut CORRECT Pauline Kael Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in Chapter 7 of Introduction to Film. 6. Question : Which of the following gangster films was forced to add a title at the end to satisfy public watchdog groups? Student Answer: CORRECT The Public Enemy Scarface Gomorrah 7. Question : Which of the following is the best way to describe a director’s style? Student Answer: CORRECT His or her favorite mise en scà ¨ne, cinematography, editing, and sound techniques The habitual way he or she deals with the actors on the set Typical way he or she deals with producers and other studio executives His or her preferred subject matter and genre in which to work 8. Question : Which stylistic movement in film was best known for using well-worn actual locations and ordinary-looking, nonglamorous actors? German Expressionism CORRECT Italian Neorealism French New Wave 9. Question : Why do many theorists doubt that genres exist at all? Because studios invented the idea as a cynical marketing tool Because they are the product of audience expectations, not films themselves CORRECT Because the definitions are fluid at best, meaningless at worst 10. Question : In which of the following genres is the audience most likely to be asked to sympathize with the forces of evil? CORRECT Gangster Horror Romantic comedy

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Henry Moseley

Henry Moseley: An Annotated Bibliography Todd Helmenstine (November 23) November 23 Science History. Retrieved from: http://chemistry. about. com/od/novemberinscience/tp/november23history. htm In this short analysis of Moseley’s accomplishment, Helmenstine basically summed up the most important facts about Henry Moseley and his discoveries. He shows how Moseley proved that the element’s atomic number is more important than the element’s atomic weight. This proved to be important because back then, â€Å"atomic number was just a number indicating the element's position on the periodic table and not a measurable quantity. Although the facts are short, it is a quick outlook of Moseley’s accomplishments. The information found here is safe to use because sites such as About. com do not make up any of their facts. Henry Moseley (2012) Retrieved from: http://www. famousscientists. org/henry-moseley/ This biography has far more information than the previous one. It goes deeper into Moseley’s life instead of just giving general facts about him. The author goes in chronological order by stating his early life, his middle life which includes his discoveries and accomplishments, and his life when he’s older.It goes into more detail by giving the names of his discoveries such as Moseley’s Law which happens to be the systematic relationship between the atomic number and wavelength. The biography also explains that if he had not died in war, he would have contributed even more about the atomic structure and possibly winning a Nobel Prize. † This biography is up to date, and seems to be reliable due to the wide range of other scientists. Heilbron, J. L. (1974). H. G. J. Moseley: The Life and Letters of an English Physicist, 1887–1915. Berkeley: University of California Press. Retrieved from: http://www. hemistryexplained. com/Ma-Na/Moseley-Henry. html In this analysis of Moseley’s life/ discoveries, more fac ts are being shown. For example, it shows that there was a research group composed of Ernest Rutherford, Niels Bohr, Hans Grieger, and of course Henry Moseley. All of these scientists made important discoveries, but Moseley wanted to further investigate x-rays. The author suggests that the way Moseley did things was a â€Å"classical example of the scientific method. † The article is very excellent and seems very reliable, and it seems to have gathered information from various sources.Henry Gwyn Jeffreys Moseley from World of Chemistry. (2005-2006) Thomson Gale, a part of the Thomson Corporation. All rights reserved. Retrieved from: http://www. bookrags. com/biography/henry-gwyn-jeffreys-moseley-woc/ Other than just saying what Moseley experimented, this biography actually explained in detail what he did exactly with the x-rays. It also explains the reason why Moseley knew why atomic number was far more important than the atomic weight. The main difference is that the variati on in atomic masses between adjacent elements is never consistent, whereas the variation in nuclear charge is always precisely one. This statement is one of the most important ones because this is basically his whole discovery. The information is quite old, but it has all the same information as other reliable sites. The University of Oxford (2011) The Story of Moseley and X-rays. Retrieved from: http://www. physics. ox. ac. uk/history. asp? page=moseley Although some of the information has already been mentioned in other various sites, what many of them lack is a visual of Moseley’s experiments, and that’s exactly what this biography has. The visual portrays his experiment in exact details and all the results that came from it.Although â€Å"there was no explanation for these multiple lines (and several other weaker lines not shown on Moseley's diagram) and this had to await the discovery of the spin of the electron and the quantum theory, as did the slight departure s from linearity. † This shows that sometimes even the scientist that is conducting an experiment can be confused or have the lack of knowledge of something. The article found here is a year old, so the information is still valuable, and the source from which it came from is valuable.

Leading Educational Change Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Leading Educational Change - Research Paper Example Current paper examines the role of leadership in the planning and application of an educational plan especially when this one refers to a change that needs to be implemented in a particular educational site. For this reason, the University of Salford has been selected in order to be used as an example of the above interaction and influence in the area of education at all levels (the reference to an institute of higher education is just indicative). The above University has been chosen because of its extended plan of development and continuous change as it has been designed and applied throughout its operation. On the other hand, the analysis of the changes proposed and applied to the particular departments of the above institute will prove its suitability for current study. As of the structure of the study, this has been organized as follows: Chapter 1 presents current literature review regarding the interaction between leadership and educational change whereas Chapter 2 includes the most significant change and development plans as applied in the chosen educational site (University of Salford). Furthermore, Chapter 3 involves in the influence of literature on the educational strategy of University of Salford as it can be observed when comparing the existing plans of the institution with the views of the researchers as developed in the literature review Chapter. The personal recommendations follow Chapter 3 including certain assumptions regarding the material that has analyzed throughout the paper.